Monday, January 31, 2011

Five Questions with my friend Steve at Blogging the Suburbs (145 days to go)

We're in the middle of Snowmageddon here in St. Louis, and I'm wondering how I'm going to get a tempo run in when there is an inch of ice with snow falling over it on the ground and a very real likelihood that the gym is going to be closed tomorrow. No worries! I got today's 7.60 miles in before work, when the weather was still good. But Tuesday through Friday? No idea what's going to happen.

But that's not the reason for my post. No, I wanted to share my Q&A session with my friend and fellow blogger Steve D'Avria over at the Blogging the Suburbs blog. I answered five (okay, six) questions about my running that I wanted to share here. Check out Steve's blog at Blogging the Suburbs. Prepare to be amused.

Stay safe out there, my friends!

1 comment:

  1. South Bend is where I hail from and where I ran my marathon! Go IRISH!
